As we put what was undoubtedly a tumultuous year behind us – one defined by a seemingly never-ending string of changes and surprises – it begs the question how does one predict what financial services trends can we expect to see in 2021? By putting their combined decades of industry experience to work, Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa and his COO Dale Dempsey do just that, not only sharing the 2021 predictions that matter but providing the context and methodology behind them.

Trends to watch as shared by Frank and Dale include:

  • a more aggressive recruiting push by wirehouse firms and the strategy to expect.
  • the upward trend in lucrative recruiting deals and what they mean for advisors.
  • increased advisor interest in making a move and the reasons why.
  • the industry impacts of multi-channel firms.
  • how younger advisors play a key role in succession planning of the future.
  • the where and when of how an advisor works and the implications on business operations and ultimate success.

A new year is a new start. Use the well-informed and thoughtful lessons for financial services professionals, supplied in this episode by Frank and Dale, to be your guidebook as you chart your course into 2021.

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