You can only get where you want to go if you plan how to get there. This is the important message Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa and COO Dale Dempsey share with financial advisors in this episode. Frank and Dale get granular on the topic and provide specific and actionable insights advisors can use in Q4 to ensure they realize a productive – and profitable – 2022.


Topics covered include:

*Why it is important to evaluate whether your current firm partner is still the right partner for you.

*How to capitalize on new advisor-friendly product solutions to pivot your offerings for better client alignment.

*Using valuations and continuity planning to gain strategic insight and employing a dual-monetization strategy to maximize your payout opportunity.

*Creating a team culture with the right people in the right seats promoting a unified firm vision.


The most successful advisors and practices have goals and can articulate well the actions and strategies they are taking to make those goals a reality. Take the opportunity to put this episode and its teachings to work now to realize your vision of success for 2022!

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