During the last year and half, a decided change has emerged in financial advisor thinking. What started as a taste of independence due to COVID-19 restrictions has grown into a full-blown mindset revolution as advisors eager to flex their entrepreneurial muscles are evaluating their private practice options. This entrepreneurial transformation within the advisor community is the subject of the discussion between Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa and his COO Dale Dempsey, where they dive into what it takes to be an advisor as entrepreneur and the positive industry impacts the trend is generating.


Key points covered in the conversation include:

*the strategic and empirical differences between a practitioner, a business owner, and an entrepreneur.

*risk tolerance and the ability to orchestrate the business pivot as key separators when it comes to entrepreneurial mindset.

*the importance of finding the right firm partner as an entrepreneurial advisor in order to realize your business and personal aspirations.

*the positive client impacts generated by the entrepreneurial advisor trend.


The upsides of an entrepreneurial advisor mindset are substantial and account for much of the momentum toward private practice being experienced in the industry today. Understanding what it takes to leverage the entrepreneurial advisor opportunity is the inspirational message behind this episode – one which has the ability to transform the practices, careers, and lives of every advisor willing to listen.

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