There is a lot of activity as of late when it comes to advisors moving from wirehouse to wirehouse. In fact, it is a trend Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa predicted three years ago in an episode of The Advisor Talk with Frank LaRosa podcast. 


Why advisor moves between wirehouses are gaining momentum, what impacts this will have on the industry, and how advisors can capitalize on the opportunity are all topics covered by Frank and his COO Dale Dempsey, in a conversation that digs past the surface to get to the core of the W2 to W2 transition trend.


Take-aways from the conversation include:

*the importance of wirehouses recruiting talent as the most efficient strategy for increasing overall AUM.

*why it is financially advantageous for advisors to use transition opportunities to recapitalize themselves throughout their careers.

*what questions an advisor needs to answer to evaluate whether making a move is the right decision.

*how a dual-monetization strategy can maximize and advisor’s succession payout when moving between wirehouses.

*protocol vs. non-protocol predictions for the years to come.


There has never been a better time for an advisor to consider their transition opportunities. This holds true whether an advisor is considering a move to independence or from W2 to W2. The key is to learn what options are available, what the potential upside of those options are, and then deciding to act. It’s time to make a move.

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