The power of positive mindset in attracting the business and personal growth you desire are undeniable, as Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa discusses with the company’s Regional Market Manager Len Murtha. Their in-depth conversation mines the theories of positivity, abundance, and the laws of attraction to offer financial advisors a new perspective on how to approach their practice – and life – in order to achieve goals and realize success.


Key insights and takeaways include:

*Why using the philosophies of flow and reciprocity are key components of maximizing business value.

*How financial advisors can implement mindset techniques in a traditionally tactical business environment with intentionalism to accelerate growth.

*Why energetic strategies can prove vital to shifting advisor mindsets for enhanced business performance.

*The trickle-down effect that mindset, positivity, and big-picture thinking have on satisfaction and happiness in all areas of an advisor’s life.

*How the energetic changes within the financial services industry, particularly in the wirehouse space, have fostered a lack of advisor fulfillment.


The depth of discussion between Frank and Len conveys a direct message to advisors that fulfillment as an individual is the ‘secret sauce’ to actualizing full potential in their practices. It’s time for advisors to get excited again about their careers. Let’s all vibrate at that higher level and visualize our collective, greater achievement in order to reframe the financial services industry together!



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