Advisors today have 100% control of their businesses but make no mistake you can’t have the glory of the practice and firm partner you want without being willing to put in the grind to make it happen, as Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa and COO Dale Dempsey explain in this episode. If you are an advisor who isn’t happy with your firm partner, the fact is you need to be committed to doing the work to change your situation. Afterall, it has never been easier for an advisor to make a transition than now.

So, what does ‘No Grind, No Glory’ look like for a financial advisor? It means:
1) Putting in the hours necessary for your goal and making that time count, not just punching a clock.
2) Using hard work as training so that when opportunities arise you are prepared for the challenge.
3) Living in an abundance mindset and being willing to take the massive action necessary to achieve.
4) Being willing to bet on yourself and taking risks in order to make your goals a reality.

Given the transition opportunities available today, it is important that every financial advisor take stock of their current firm partner and decide if that is really where they want to be. If the answer is no, then take action and fix it. Whatever you are going through today passes. You have to have big, lofty goals in your life and be willing to work hard and execute for them to actualize. So, the big question is – are you ready to get to work?

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