The realization that true independence is not for every advisor has gained a strong foothold in the financial services industry. Top firms are innovating and evolving to offer models which address this, while holding the delicate line between advisor support and advisor autonomy. One such firm is Steward Partners which, as an alternative to the firm’s W-2 model, offers an affiliate/1099 model that has gained recognition for uniquely combining the best of the indy and the best of the retail space. Listen in as Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa is joined by Steward Partners CEO James Gold and Head of Wealth Management Douglas Kentfield for a discussion that puts advisor support and opportunity at the forefront.

Among the insights these industry leaders cover are:
* the history of Steward Partners, straight from the front lines.
* what differentiates the Steward Partners affiliate/1099 model.
* why providing robust advisor support is paramount to success.
* a glimpse into the future of Steward Partners strategic direction.

There are multiple paths for advisors considering the journey from the branch system to independence. It comes down to analyzing your options and choosing which model is right for you in order to take the next decisive action on your path forward.

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