For financial professionals considering a transition and the opportunities afforded by independence, striking the right balance between a collaborative firm partner and true entrepreneurship is key. In this episode of Advisor Talk, Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa is joined by fellow industry veteran Libet Anderson, President of Concourse Financial Group Securities, for a dynamic conversation that offers a compelling take on how supporting an advisor operationally, while mentoring and inspiring them leaders, fosters even greater practice success for advisor and firm alike.

Key topics covered by Frank and Libet include:

*The Concourse Financial Group value proposition and how Libet’s own career trajectory informs how she implements resources for advisor success.

*The importance of technology innovation to advisor achievement and how Concourse has applied this insight within their own organization.

*Why having access to a comprehensive support team is a necessary addition to every advisor’s repertoire. 

*Creating strong firm culture and applying it to building relationships in an increasingly digital world.

*What every advisor should be doing today to ensure that they are capitalizing on current industry opportunities.

The expertise shared by Frank and Libet is detailed and accessible. If you are an advisor who is evaluating what independence might mean for you, or if you are an advisor who is simply looking for applicable strategies to take your practice to the next level, then get ready to benefit from the thought leadership of two of financial services most respected leaders.

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