Building a practice which successfully carves a niche space within the financial services industry is an incredible achievement, and one all practitioners should aspire to. In this episode of Advisor Talk, Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa is joined by Rich DeSalvo, CEO of f3Logic, a Gallagher Company, for a conversation that distills their unique industry perspectives and focuses on how advisors can create a better valuation for their practices by using achievable growth metrics and strategic practice management techniques as the foundation.

Topics discussed include:

*The origin story of f3Logic and how a focus on innovation has served to inform the evolution of the firm.

*f3Logic business strategies, including the firm’s focus on portability, technology, and autonomy, and how they scale these components for the benefit of their advisors.

*Strategic guidance advisors can use to create better valuations for their own practices and common practice management mistakes that curtail practice growth strategies.

*Understanding the spread as it relates to transition deals and how this aligns with an advisor finding the optimal opportunity for their practice when making a move.

Frank and Rich blueprint for listeners the exact plan and action steps necessary to create not just a dynamic practice that innovates, but one that capitalizes on the efficiencies that ultimately raise valuation. Be prepared to walk away with a veritable tool kit of insights you need to enact now if you are ready to level up practice growth and success.

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