Legacy achievement and a place of presence in financial services is a hard-won industry honor. In this episode of Advisor Talk, Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa is joined by Scott Curtis, President, Private Client Group at Raymond James for a candid conversation informed by their combined decades of thought leadership. Frank and Scott cover a lot of ground as they focus in on the efficiencies and core competencies which translate into long-term advisor success.

Among the many topics covered are:

*the Raymond James story, its affiliation options, and how the firm’s resources and tools can be leveraged by advisors to expand capacity, bolster productivity and processes, and ultimately deepen client relationships.

*the state of advisor recruiting, its industry impacts, and what trends will influence advisor moves to independence in the months ahead.

*how fluctuating market conditions translate into shifts in advisor perceptions regarding which independent model is right for them.

*the ability to attract and retain high quality advisors and teams as a key differentiator in building the Raymond James culture.

*succession planning and acquisition as key components of an advisor’s vision for their practice.

With an eye towards future success, Frank and Scott evaluate and articulate for every advisor listening the key strategies that blueprint how to run practices efficiently, effectively, and with long-term vision. Use these lessons to not just scale your practice but to achieve the legacy client relationships on which true success in financial services is founded.

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