M&A has enjoyed sustained upward growth in recent years, but with choppy markets influencing all sectors of financial services many are wondering what the implications on the M&A trend will be. In this episode of Advisor Talk, Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa and President Dale Dempsey put their industry expertise to work breaking down the M&A trends in financial services, offering guidance to prospective buyers and sellers, and making their predictions on what the market for M&A will look like in the months ahead.

Listeners of the episode will learn direct from Frank and Dale:

*Why there is still tremendous M&A activity – even though the markets are flattening – particularly when it comes to RIAs buying other RIAs.

*The financials which are characterizing RIA acquisition deals, understanding valuations, and assessing when the right time to sell your practice may be.

*Understanding the importance of which internal processes and business structures need to be in place when preparing your practice for selling.

*The keys to building a resilient practice with replicable success strategies to receive the best acquisition offer.

*A unique look at M&A from the buyer’s perspective and the relevance of deal structure, capital, and resources that put you in the power position, so firms want to sell to you.

If you are exploring M&A as part of your business strategy, or even if it is something you think you may want to consider in the future, Frank and Dale’s message is clear. Firms need to always be acting as if M&A is an option to achieve the best opportunities in the future. And for those firms evaluating M&A in the short term, preparedness, and the ability to act fast is key. Because, regardless of the markets, the time to seize M&A opportunities – and seize them quickly – is now.

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