A commitment to continuous learning in order to grow and achieve is a vital component of success for every financial advisor. This message was on full display at the recent LPL Focus 2022 event, where Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa and President Dale Dempsey had the honor of being special guests in attendance.

The LPL Focus 2022 Conference was an event which not only gave as snapshot into LPL Financial Services but provided a wealth of advisory and industry leadership information. From the array of guest speakers and educational sessions, Frank and Dale garnered a number of new ideas and perspective shifts that they share in this episode, and which are relevant to every advisor in financial services today.

Frank and Dale’s key takeaways from the event include:

*Teachings directly from author Malcom Gladwell and his concept for raising the bar of your weakest personnel link to improve your firm’s practice operations and client experience.

*Implementing the idea of ‘it’s not what you say, but how you say it’ and the importance of managing client communications effectively and transparently, including specific guidance as to what words to use when engaging with a client.

*Understanding the needs of high-net-worth clients and how to attract them to your firm including specialization within your team, articulating your value proposition, and providing a white glove service experience.

*Turning the lens and looking at your business through other people’s eyes and ears, including the perspectives of your fellow advisory team members and your clients.

*The importance of team culture and fostering an open exchange of ideas among all advisors and key personnel to create buy-in on the practice’s purpose and goals.

Frank and Dale distill the lessons they learned from an intense week of education into the impactful insights that are not only relevant to LPL and their advisors in attendance, but to every advisor who is eager to grow their practice, level-up their professional game, and achieve for their clients.

Get ready for some thought-provoking ideas that will be sure to stay with you long after you finish listening to the episode!

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