The financial services industry is experiencing a down market, which has firms, advisors, and clients on edge about what to expect. For advisors who want to be successful during these uncertain times there is one factor to keep in mind – you need to flip the script. Down markets can be an opportunity to solidify client relationships, leverage growth opportunities, and set a solid foundation for future success, as this special joint episode of the Advisor Talk and Quantum Growth podcasts will explain.


Listen as Advisor Talk host and Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa and Jon Kuttin, Founder & CEO of Kuttin Wealth Management and Quantum Growth host, share a deep-dive discussion that will provide advisors the tools necessary to transform the down market into a decisive period of advantage for their career and practice.


Key points covered in the in-depth conversation are:

*how effective, transparent, and efficient communication in a volatile market is essential to securing the client relationships you have and increasing your referral prospects.

*the importance of advisors assuming a leadership mindset to guide their clients in making decisions based on solid data and from a place of emotional intelligence.

*the impact a down market has on M&A activity and valuations, as well as the strategic insight as to what to expect in these areas in the months ahead.

*why choppy markets make it easier for advisors to make a move to a new firm partner and how current market conditions can be used to capitalize on the right transition opportunity.


Weathering a down market storm is all about getting out in front of the issue. Advisors who take advantage of the wealth of thought leadership presented by Frank and Jon will be armed with strategies that will prove essential to not only surviving but thriving regardless of whatever uncertainty the markets may create.

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