As the financial services industry witnesses a significant shift with advisors transitioning into the W2 space, it becomes increasingly crucial for practitioners to recognize that entitlement and a lack of trust between you and your employees can pose a formidable threat to the success of your practices.


In this week’s episode of Advisor Talk, Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa is joined on the show by Elite’s Executive Vice President, Stacey Frank. Together, Frank and Stacey shed light on what independent financial advisors need to focus on if they want their practice to reach its full potential. 


Today’s show highlights include:


*The trend of more and more advisors moving from the W2 environment to the independent world, and what effects this is having on the financial advisory space as a whole.


*The biggest mistake advisors make when they first start their own independent practice.


*Why advisors need to adopt the mindset of working for their employees, treating them as clients rather than as if everyone works for them.


*Understanding the true “Why” behind your employees as a proven formula for success.


*A breakdown of some of the strategies that Frank utilizes to ensure that his employees know that he has their best interests at heart.


Listen in and get ready to take notes as Frank and Stacey delve into key insights essential for independent financial advisors striving to unlock their practice’s full potential.

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