Many financial advisors face a similar challenge – they strive to grow their book of business but the efforts they employ fail to get results. Listeners of Advisor Talk – today is the day to move past that roadblock. Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa kicks off a 3-part series with Jon Randall, PhD(c) Founder, PhD Candidate in Performance Psychology, eXtraordinary Financial Advisors (XFA) to discuss the what, why, and how that is strategically holding advisors back from realizing the practice success they seek. 

Topics discussed in Part 1 of the series are:

*A breakdown of tangible and actionable ideas that are proven to help advisors grow their practice.

*The origin story of eXtraordinary Financial Advisors.

*The tactical mistakes advisors make that prohibit scalable growth.

*How advisors can use a transition as a ‘reset’ with clients and the positive impacts this technique fosters.

*Why capacity management is the number one reason why many advisors fail to grow their practices to the level they desire. 

Frank and Jon’s decades of experience are on full display in this episode, giving advisors eager to grow their enterprises a competitive edge. Listen with intent to the information shared and you will walk away with a clear vision of the next, right action steps you can take now to grow your practice.

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