More Than Words – Effective Communication In Times Of Crisis
One of the key elements of managing emotional intelligence during times of crisis, such as we are experiencing now with COVID-19, is through the efficiency of your communication. This is particularly important when it comes to your dealings with your clients. By...The Sands Of The Hourglass Have Just Been Swept Away
I wish I had more time. How often have you said that to yourself – as it relates to your dealings with your clients, your business, and your life? Those parameters have been eliminated with the COVID-19 virus. The fact is, given self distancing and work from...Standing Out From The Crowd – How Technology Impacts A Firm’s Ability To Achieve Success
Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa has penned the AdvisorHub article “Playing The Long Game – LPL Focuses On Long-Term Relationships With Their Advisors By Rolling Out New M&A and Succession Services”.
Frank LaRosa, Elite Consulting Partners CEO, Quoted In Financial Planning Article
Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa was quoted in the Financial Planning article, “Raymond James pumps out recruiting loans. Will advisors bite?”.
Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa Pens Financial Planning Voices Article
Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa shares his opinions on firms leading the way since the financial crisis in a Voices article, “Why Raymond James, Stifel gain ground at wirehouses’ expense”.