Is Private Equity money tempting you? Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa advises that it is best to think twice, as the pressures of taking advantage of cheap Private Equity money could prove costly to advisors.
Have you presented yourself to your clients as an asset manager? You may find yourself on the outside looking in when the market turns. Process, and your ability to communicate it, is what saves you from losing clients during a down market as Elite Consulting...
It’s about what you keep, not what you get. The W-2 vs.1099 impact – which one is best for you? In this episode, Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa gets granular and breaks out the white board to analyze the tax implications of both the W-2 and 1099 model and...
It’s been a notable few weeks in financial services with a number of newsworthy firms going public with information on the deals and strategies which will certainly impact the industry landscape. From Advisor Group completing their merger with...
Whenever there is a big merger in financial services, there is the told and untold story behind the reasons why. In this special Hot Mic Episode, Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa analyzes the latest buzz surrounding the Morgan Stanley and E-trade merger and...